Early Years Special Initiative – Phase 2, Cohort 2, Funding Launch
Preschool learning

Pre school learning


We have launched our Early Years Special Initiative (second cohort of Phase 2) funding applications - looking to support organisations that focus on children between the ages of 2 and 5, and address the following outcomes: 
☑ An increase in children’s numeracy, literacy and language skills 
☑ An improvement in school readiness (personal, social and emotional development) 
The attainment gap emerges in early childhood and develops and expands throughout a person’s lifetime. For children facing socio-economic disadvantage, the impact on their cognitive and socio-emotional skills plus the difficulty for them to catch up if they fall behind, is stark. This has worsened since the impact of the Covid pandemic. During the school years, these educational inequalities continue to grow affecting future learning and work prospects. 
As trustee of The Charity of Sir Richard Whittington, the Mercers' Company has supported work in the Early Years since 2019 when Phase 1 of the Special Initiative was launched and we are pleased to now be inviting expressions of interest for funding for the second cohort of Phase 2 of the initiative. 

For further information on how to apply for funding for the Early Years Special Initiative see our funding application webinar and application information. Applications close at midday on Monday 5 February. 

Find out more about the Mercers' Company's Young People & Education programme here.